The last several days have been good for the band. We were asked to play in the Canada Day Festivities at Orillia's Couchiching Beach Park. For me, its an opportunity to find out if my live performance equals my practice performances. There is quite a difference between jamming with the boys and live stage. In the basement with Lance and Shawn, I let it go - I don't really care what comes out and I am looking for sounds and rhythms that fit the song. Keeping time for the guys is key, but sometimes that gets lost when I am trying something new.
The Couch Beach show will be the first show with the electronic triggers added to the main kit. I'll post a picture when I get it set up there.
An update on my previous post is that I added another hand trigger in Welcome To the Machine. At the beginning, before the drums come in full, I play a right hand trigger in the Junk Yard Roland Kit and the Left Foot trigger on opposite beats, to really give a piston Push-Pull sound. I play it on top of the bass guitar playing up and down octaves.
What also came of out of the request to play at Couch Beach was the hurried but thoughtful creation of the band Name. A few ideas were tossed around and brainstormed, and in the end we decided on LivingRoom Experience.
All three of us were dedicated and long time members of 'Johnny Flamingo and the Livingroom Experience'. Since none of us were Johnny Flamingo, and the name is not only well known ( in these parts), but also the fact that there were many fans of Lance, Woody and me as the backup to Johnny Flamingo, it made some sense. Not a terrible name either.
With that decided I registered the domain names, and We'll have a web site up soon (need some decent pics first).