Tuesday 3 July 2012

Canada Day 2012

Canada Day, 2012     Photo Courtesy Stacey Latour

After a frustrating Saturday, cutting hay on a new field full of large rocks, breaking knives and bending the knife guards, having the drive chain fall off and breaking more knives, in a very hot and humid, sun filled hay field, I felt as though I had been through an iron-man tri-athalon. My left hand blistering from sweat on the steering wheel, my shoulders became tense and sore from constantly looking back at the hay mower (to see if was broken again) and my index finger needed recovery from a metal splinter I had to remove with tweezers.

But Sunday was much different. Sunday I loaded the car with my drumkit and headed down to the beautiful Couchiching Beach park in Orillia. It was sunny, but slightly cooler and there was a gently cool breeze off the lake. The stage was under a tree in the shade and crowds of people and families were enjoying all of the events, games, rides and vendors. 

Setup went well but we only had 15 minutes to get our gear on-stage, powered up and get started. Unfortunately my electronic drums were not coming through the main speakers. After replacing cables and Direct-Input devices, the sound men finally got it working and we were playing the first song as our sound check. So ... no sound check.

About 45 minutes later our set was complete and we felt good about it. There were a couple of small flubbs, but probably unnoticeable. I was particularly happy with our original song 'Friends' (see link below). The groove was stellar. My bass drum foot was doing what I wanted, Lance (on Bass guitar) was in the pocket and Woody's axe was razor sharp.

The band would like to thank Steve Parkes and Jesse Parkes for the sound production, Stacey Latour (my sister-in-law) for the video and still pictures, and our family and friends for the enthusiastic support.

Please check out some video footage of the event at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9wo7PWN0d0&feature=plcp