Friday, 30 December 2011

A little bit of history

Thank you for taking the time to visit and read my scribblings. I am not a creative writer, but I like the thought of blog'ing on certain topics that I enjoy. I started drumming about 33 years ago, just as I entered high school and I have been keeping it up pretty regularly except for a 5 year hiatus when my wife an I bought a farm.
I work with an IT firm in the Toronto, Canada area, which I find very challenging and I quite enjoy working with new technology. I am expected to be available 24/7 in case there is a critical disruption in service, but that's just part of the job. The farm is most fulfilling to me. I absolutely love the equipment and the animals we manage. Cashmere goats are our focus, but we also breed Black Welsh Mountain Sheep and Irish Dexter Cattle. They are each a rare breed or not popular among large livestock operations, but they each have their own merits for small operations like ours. You can find out more at
When I am not busy farming or studying for the latest IT exam, I enjoy playing the drums. I have been working on rebuilding my skills on the kit over the last couple of years and I am looking forward to improving in every aspect.
Every aspect, to me, means improving chops, independence, rudiments, stage appearance and entertainment. When I was performing live (25 years ago), My drumming was more important to me than the visual entertainment aspect. Starting now, I want to improve the whole package and I will be using this blog to track my progress. Hopefully I'll get some feedback on my progress so any comments and critisisms are welcome.

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