Friday, 27 April 2012

Slow and Steady, Fast and Furious

Wow, its the end of April already. I started writing this over a month ago. April came and went like a hurricane - leaving destruction and rainbows. On the farm, April is the beginning of Lambing, Calving and Kidding. So much of our time is spent around the female livestock during this time, keeping an eye on them in case they need assistance with birthing. This year we have had a set of quadruplets, four sets of triplets and many, many twins.. Several singles of course as well. Seeing all of the babies running around and jumping like they have ants in their pants is the rainbow part. But just to keep life interesting, the inner-tube blew on my tractor - shooting liquid calcium out of the tire with great force in the stream the size of a 7B hickory drumstick. That was the beginning of Hell Week (the destruction part). More on that later.

-- Original Post --
As my only post in March, it may seem that I lost interest in this pursuit. In fact, I have been practising and jamming with the guys quite regularly. My chops and technique are definitely improving and I am feeling much more comfortable on the throne.
I have been focusing on double-stroke rolls and bass drum techniques mostly. I don't play double bass, never have. Playing quick beats with a single foot is more of an accomplishment in my opinion, and it frees up the left foot for other things like foot triggers or fancy hi-hat patterns.
One fancy hi-hat pattern I am working on is a swing beat played with the foot. 'tut-ta-tah'. I use the ball of my foot for the tut-ta and the heel for the splash 'tah'. Thats not especially difficult, but playing with the rest of my body over-top is (for me).

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