Monday, 11 February 2013

Benefit Show

Tool Shed sound check

As I take the picture above, ToolShed is running through sound check to an empty hall, getting their sounds and mix ready for the evening and a last practice of a few songs. A few hours later the community hall of Joyland Beach becomes the most popular place in the area as many generous friends and residents fill the chairs or stand on the hardwood to raise money for the girls of the Ramara Rockets soccer team's trip to Wales. 
Shoot the Moon! opened the night with our fine selection of cover tunes and original songs. The stage sound was great which makes it easier to play, the drumkit didn't move around or break and my streak of not poking myself in the eye with a drumstick extended through another great show. A big Shout Out goes to Tool Shed band and Mario for the use of their P.A. equipment.

A few minutes before show time

The previous couple of days included a lot of snow shoveling, walking through deep snow and other general farm chores that seem so much harder when there's a foot of snow.
 The last couple of days were tiring, but somewhat fun at the same time. I wonder sometimes if I am nuts. But the answer usually presents itself shortly after - like yesterday when I was backing down the snowy hill beside my sister's barn with a hay wagon (it took 45 friggin minutes to go 100 yards). On the night described above when, after working outside all day I packed the drums into the car, set them up, played and got home at 2AM. Tiring...  maybe. Fun... Had a BLAST!

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